Thursday, 13 February 2014

Women with 3 (Three) Breasts

I used to think that women must have 2 breasts, but i was wrong.  Some women and girls have more than that. Well, i can not guarantee that this is..., but at least, this is what i see. What about you? What are you seeing.

Woman with three breasts
I am counting 3

Wait, i, still need to show you another photo and you count for your self

Woman with 3 breasts
Do you believe me now?

There we go, i told you. Some women have 3 breats

Monday, 27 January 2014

Crazy Man Climbs Tree with a Motorcycle

I also wonder what this man was up-to, but one things is clear, he woke up in the morning with an idea of climbing a tree with a Motorcycle. This is one of the craziest moments i have seen

As you have seen, climbing a tree with a motorcycle is not a simple task. So, do not try this at home.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Eating with a Goat

Yes, you read the title well, I am not talking about eating a goat, i am talking about eating goat. It is good to share, share with nature especially given the fact that nature shares with us.

In the present world, people do not want to share even with their best friends. However, i came across an extra ordinary man who did not mind eating with a goat

Man Eating with a Goat
To Share is to Care

Well, due to health reasons, it is not advisable to eat on the same plate with animals, however, sharing with our animal neighbor is an act of virtue

Wasted Talent- Doing the Wrong Job

Have you ever thought about it that most people waste their talent by doing the wrong jobs. If people where doing the jobs they are supposed to do, there would be less complaints at work, less late coming, less un productivity and so on

doing a wrong job
Example of a wasted talent.
It is very clear that the boy above was doing a job he did not like. He never wanted to be a radio presenter with headsets over his head. He would have been better off playing with rabbits across the the field.

As we are still talking about the misplaced DJ, here we meet the mechanic doing the wrong job.

wrong job

Actually, i keep wondering why such a bright kid did not study rocket science instead of wasting his talent on a fathers tire who will just repay him with a slap.

Now, look at this one, doing a very dangerously deadly job. Wish he had stayed at home to take care of the little sister.

doing a wrong job
Boy, you cant manage wrestling- just go home

Saturday, 11 January 2014

How to Ride on a Dogs Back- With Pictures

Well this is one new trick am going to teach you today- riding on a dogs back. It is one of the funniest things you will ever do. Well this is far better than riding on a horse back, riding on a camel back or even on donkeys back.

Without wasting your time, let me show you how you can ride on dogs back safely using the three simple steps below

1. First make sure that it will be safe for, as a driver must check the condition of the car before driving, you should also first check the condition of the dog and establish that it is safe (See picture below)

kid and a dog
Photo: Ibale Nana

2. Step number two is a very simple one, you just need to sit slowly and carefully on the back of the dog. Make sure you are not too heavy or else you would walk away with a bite. (see picture below)

Kid on a dogs back

3. Step three will be much easier, first of all, distance you leg from a dog's mouth. Then touch the dogs head gently to let it know that you are not an enemy (see picture below)

Kid on Dogs back
Photo: Ibale Nana
That is all, now you know how to ride on a dogs back. However, i have to warn, do it at your own risk.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

You are Beautiful, Do you Know you are Beautiful? They say Not

The are times when you feel you are Beautiful like those girl you saw in the news paper or on that new TV show.

Well, it is normal to feel that way, but it is not good. Someone thinks you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

You are beautiful

Fact is, some people might even tell you that you are not  Beautiful, but dont you believe them. hey are just trying to bring you down
Very Beautiful
Yes, you are beautiful

And if they say you are not beautiful, just let them know that to another person you are very Beautiful
Beautiful no matter what they say

Monday, 6 January 2014

Are you still Waiting for a Perfect Man?

There are many women out there who have vowed not to marry if they do not get a perfect man.

Some women claim to have perfect lovers, thought i wonder if it is really true.

However, the question still lingers, do perfect men exist?

Well, it is hard to to know, but the fact is, those women who have devoted there time to look for perfect men have ended up like this...

Perfect man